It’s really important when you’re out in the real world, not to live on two minute noodles! We have all probably done it at some point, and all probably been sick because of it. If you don’t eat right your immune system goes down, and you get the flu more, you’re more tired, and you just don’t feel as good as you could.
It’s hard when you are learning to budget to leave enough for food, but it is sooo important. We don’t put the wrong petrol in the new souped up Nissan, so why do we try to put the wrong fuel in us? The Answer my friends is simple, because it is cheaper.
There are heaps of ways of making good food, fast and cheap. Think about buying food in bulk or from markets or low-cost supermarkets. We have thrown together some recipes, and need you to keep adding to them! Take the time and add your own recipe or meal creation to our recipe section, so others just like you, can learn what you have.
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