For more information on T2A month, head here. For events, head here. For more information on G-Force, head here.
Here’s a sample of some useful resources to assist in planning for young people to transition to independence. If you or someone you know has already left care and needing support please contact Next Step Plus.
Next Step Plus
Next Step Plus is a service for young people aged 15 to 25 years who have had care experience since their 12th birthday. Next Step Plus is there to provide you with information and support and help you to access things like:
- managing money and entitlements
- finding accommodation
- training, jobs and preparing a resume
- keeping safe, strong and healthy
- relationships, including family and friends
- legal advice.
Please share and print this T2A poster for young people.
Are you looking to facilitate an online event for T2A month? Check out these simple, creative online activities to empower young people on their T2A journey.
Sortli App
This app will help with all the things you need to cross off before you leave care. Click here for more information or go here to download the app.

Go Your Own Way Kits
CREATE have an awesome booklet ‘Go Your Own Way’ – download a copy here and find the information relevant for your State or Territory.
Extended Post Care Support
If you leave care to live in your own arrangements as an independent adult, you’ll be eligible to receive financial assistance of up to $16,000 a year until your 21st birthday to help meet your everyday living costs.
Talk to your Child Safety Officer about Extended Post Care Support.
If you turn 19 from 1 July 2023, and you continue living in your former carer or guardian’s household, they will continue to receive the fortnightly care allowance so they can support you until your 21st birthday.
If you turn 18, 19 or 20 before 1 July 2023, you will not be eligible to access Extended Post Care Support, but there are other existing support programs available.
Read more about Extended Post Care Support
Your Right to Information
You have the right to access information about you in files or reports held by the Department. The process of getting this information is called ‘Right to Information’ or ‘RTI’. Visit this webpage for more information.
However be aware that:
- The information that young read in their files could be upsetting and young people will likely need support accessing this information.
- Information about other people (including identifying information like names and addresses) will usually be blacked out.
Leaving Care Report
This report is put together for young people before they officially transition from care. It’s called a report but reads like a story of a young person’s time in care. It’s a summary of key information including birth details, family members and who the young person has lived with throughout their time in care. It also includes a history of medical care and all the important documents young people will need such as their birth certificate, tax file number and more.
It’s important to remember, young people must request their Leaving Care Report from their casework before they turn 18 or their child protection order ends.
Having Issues?
Need a bit more support to make a complaint or have an issue resolved? Contact the Office of the Public Guardian on 1800 661 533 or head to Legal Aid’s website for more information.
Other cool resources to check out
- Click here for a document that can assist you in letting the adults in your life know what you want in your plan.
- Need some inspiration from other young people who’ve left care? Check out ‘Standing on Our Own Two Feet.’
- A guide for workers on helping young people to transition to independence –
- Need to know where to start for transitioning to independence? Check out this checklist.
- Want an idea on what can go in your T2A plan? Check out a planning template here.
- Thinking of reconnecting with your birth family? Here’s a one page flyer written by young people.
Helping young people get connected with key documents and services
This video is designed for workers. It outlines 10 essential steps to support care-experienced young people to get key documents and access key services on their transition to adulthood.
Scholarships and Education Support
Forde Foundation offer scholarships and grants in education, employment, health and wellness. Click here to check eligibility.
Click here for information about the ‘Tenancy Skills Program’.
Need some guidance on where to next? Check out ‘Out of care and onto further education, training and work.’
Other support available
- Check out YHARS for information and eligibility regarding housing, funding and support.
- The Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA) is a one-off payment of up to $1,500 available to eligible young people.
- The National Redress Scheme provides support to people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse. There is information and advice for victims of crime; including information about support services, victims’ rights and financial assistance. Visit Victims Assist Queensland.
- Saver Plus is a financial education program for families and individuals on a tight budget to develop life-long savings habits.
Transitioning from Care – Hearing from Young People
CREATE Foundation launched a podcast – Voices in Action – to provide a platform for young people with a care experience to talk about issues important to them. One of the issues discussed in depth is transitioning from care. Check it out on your podcast app or go here to learn more.

We’ve also put together a report after speaking to young people about their thoughts on extending care to 21. You can download the report here.
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