Churchill Fellowship Update from CREATE CEO, Jacqui Reed – Edinburgh
Hello again, Today despite the very chilly weather and rain I made my way to Edinburgh Castle – high on the hill. It was an amazing view and the castle...
Churchill Fellowship Update from CREATE CEO, Jacqui Reed – Leeds & Edinburgh
Hi All! After a mishap with our meeting location we got to meet with Professor Mike Stein. Mike is seen throughout the UK as the “guru” of transitioning from...
Churchill Fellowship Update from CREATE CEO, Jacqui Reed – Hull
Hello again! I returned to Hull to visit with the young people from Freedom Road, a creative arts group. Some of you may remember Freedom Road visiting Australia for our...
Churchill Fellowship Update from CREATE CEO, Jacqui Reed – Leeds & Bath
Hi again! Leeds We took the long trek from London to Leeds today and we were up at 5:30am to get to the station. Had a wonderful meeting with Julie...
Churchill Fellowship Update from CREATE CEO, Jacqui Reed – Netherlands & London
Hi All Here is the next installment from my Churchill Fellowship trip for you to enjoy. Groningen – the Netherlands I met with two amazing researchers in Groningen – Dr Monica...
Churchill Fellowship Update from CREATE CEO, Jacqui Reed – Amsterdam
CREATE Foundation CEO, Jacqui Reed, was awarded a 2014 Churchill Fellowship with the purpose of studying the improvement of life outcomes for young people transitioning from statutory care to independence...
iMatter App now available!
Grab your phone and download the iMatter app! It’s all about healthy relationships and self-esteem and it’s been designed especially for young people! The app helps young women to understand...
CREATE CEO, Jacqui Reed on Radio National
CREATE’s own CEO Jacqui Reed appeared on Radio National on 11th March 2015 speaking about CREATE’s concerns relating to the Royal Commission hearings into out-of-home care. The Royal Commission...